MRI 7 T micro imaging - Bruker Biospec - Micro-imaging T1/T2/T2*
- Proton density
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Diffusion
- fMRI
- Elastography
- Micro-imaging T1/T2/T2*
- Proton density
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Diffusion
- fMRI
- Elastography
Imaging and analysis of living organisms > MRI > Preclinical
This material is a pre-clinical model. It is open for . It can MRI Imaginig furthermore for little animals.Don't hesitate to contact the platform's manager for more information.
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Other's Laboratory/Plateforme

Depending structure : CREATIS
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Lab tutorship :
INSA Lyon, Bât. Léonard de VINCI
21 Avenue Jean CAPELLE
69621 Villeurbanne
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