Portable Paris-Edinburgh press - HT/HP - SPS mode
- In situ DRX near synchrotron
- High pressure P≤15GPa
- High temperature T≤1500°C
- SPS mode
- In situ DRX near synchrotron
- High pressure P≤15GPa
- High temperature T≤1500°C
Synthesis Chemical/Materials > Materials > Press > Flash sintering (SPS)
The Paris-Edinburgh press achieves 15 GPa and 1500 ° C on a sample volume of 1 to 100 mm3. It is used for solid phase reactions or phase transformations in extreme thermodynamic conditions and densification of ceramics by spark plasma sintering at high pressure. This device is portable and allows in situ studies using X-ray synchrotron or neutron radiation.
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Other's Laboratory/Plateforme

Depending structure : ILM Tech
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43 Boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918
Bâtiment Brillouin, Institut Lumière Matière (ILM)
69622 Villeurbanne
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