Device measuring the mass gains and losses of a product (liquid, vapour) and simultaneously the temperatures of thermal transitions (Tglass_transition, Tmelt, Tcristallization), enthalpies (sensitive, latent), the kinetics of reactions and the heat capacities.
Temperature range: from ambient to 600°C

Contact Task Facility Manager (TFM)

04 72 43 73 54

Depending structure


9 rue de la Physique
Campus de la Doua
69621 Villeurbanne

infos : Website

The experimental platform for the characterization of thermo-physical and radiative properties of materials gathers experimental test bench of the Center of Energy and Thermal Sciences of Lyon, laboratory of INSA de Lyon, CNRS and university Lyon 1, located on the campus of La Doua in Villeurbanne. The platform allows the characterization of properties at different scales (from micron to meter), at different temperatures and the measurement of intrinsic or effective properties. It meets the R&D needs of industry in various fields, including  energy, buildings, transport, microelectronics, textiles.

Other's Laboratory/Plateforme


Laboratory : Centre d'Energétique et de Thermique de Lyon

CHAREYRE Guillaume

Ingénieur en développement d'expérimentations

Depending structure : CETHIL
Federation :


Lab tutorship :


9 rue de la Physique
Campus de la Doua, Bât. Carnot
69621 Villeurbanne

Full support :
Continuous education :
Access with light support :
Open to academic :
Open to enterprises :


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